

Transportation and routing in forestry logistics

In the forestry industry, the transportation of timber or logs serves as a vital link between forest harvesting areas and demand sites like sawmills, pulp mills, wood panel mills, and various terminals. Given the extensive forest areas and widespread mill locations in many nations, timber transportation constitutes a substantial percentage—often [...]

December 20, 2023|

What is optimization in practice and theory ?

The word optimize is often used as a general comment without any more detailed meaning on what is being done. For example, it is very easy to say that the route, the design, or the plan is optimized without any type of quantification. Most often, what is meant in practice [...]

December 20, 2023|

Optimization in forest operations and supply chains

The forest industry produces a range of products including paper, lumber, and energy, wielding substantial economic influence in numerous nations. Its significance extends to contributing significantly to each country's GDP, generating substantial revenue, and offering employment to a large workforce, often in rural areas. Beyond economic benefits, forests also play [...]

December 20, 2023|

Integrated bioenergy supply chains for synthetic natural gas and energy production

In the large ongoing transition towards a low-carbon society, bioenergy is an essential part of the new emerging bioeconomy needed to meet several of the sustainable development goals. In this transition, the bioenergy sector has the potential to produces, among other things, heat, electricity, biochar, and synthetic natural gas (SNG) [...]

December 20, 2023|